Paintings of five local artists have been reproduced as notecards and are being sold through the Montclair Art Museum (MAM) to raise money for future programming of the Montclair Institute for Lifelong Learning (MILL). The five paintings are available in boxed sets of 10 blank cards in the MAM Gift Shop, and they can also be purchased online at
The five paintings were created in a watercolor and gouache class that was offered by the MILL through MAM’s Creative Aging Initiative. The paintings were selected from among 50 that were submitted by 20 students in the class, which was taught in May 2017 by Karen DeLuca and Kristine Lombardi. All 50 student paintings will be on display at MAM beginning at the Thursday, November 2 Free First Thursday Night.
The MILL is part of Lifelong Montclair, the Township’s initiative that supports Montclair as an age-friendly community. Classes foster opportunities for lifelong learning and socialization for adults aged 55+. It is funded in part by Partners for Health Foundation and donations from the community.
The MILL is a collaborative effort of these partner organizations: