Everyone has a unique story to tell. Slam My Story! gives high school students an opportunity to share their own individual story and/or college essay. Submit your story and you may be chosen to read or perform LIVE at Montclair Film’s Cinema505 during the Montclair Literary Festival on Sunday, March 18th. The top performers will go on to perform LIVE at Montclair Film’s adult StorySlam at the Wellmont Theater on Saturday, April 28th as part of the Montclair Film Festival. Selected stories will also help launch Montclair Film’s NEW podcast series!
For Questions, please call: 973-705-0813
Slam My Story! is an ongoing series. If your story is not selected for the premier on March 18th, you will be included for consideration at the next Slam My Story!
This program is sponsored, in part, by a grant from